This month became my starting month to do the routines again after six months of training at IALF Jakarta. Start to teach again, to write monthly reports again and back to my students. Meeting with my students again is the happiest moment. Knowing their development and their achievement of studying. And this month, I’m looking forward to do outbound journey again. Well, let’s have fun again. FIGHTING.
Working on My 2000 words Essay
This week is going to be a hard week for me and my friends because we have to prepare a presentation for our next 2000 words essay, continuing our previous 500 words essay. I haven’t got my feedback from my previous task yet, maybe tomorrow.
Regarding to the task, I must be provides at least 10 references to support my thesis statement in essay and I find it quite difficult to do since it’s my first time writing an essay in English. I hope the feedback of my previous task is not disappointing and that will encourages me to do better. In addition, about the presentation, I have to talk about my plan, includes what knowledge that I have gained after I’ve done my 500 words essay and whether I will change my thesis statement, regarding the 2000 words essay and I have to describe it with Rationale map (I’ve downloaded 30 days trial to do this assignment).
Well, I hope I can finish this assignment well and I can increasing my score in order to go study abroad.
Wish me luck.
4th Months
In my other blog, my previous post was about my story how I came to Jakarta and took course in one of Language Center. Now, I have been here for four months. I had had learn lots of new things in means of language skills. From writing, speaking, reading and listening.
I have to take practice tests almost on every Friday and my results wasn’t good enough to reach score that required and sometimes I feel bored with it. In addition, my laptop, which is accompany me all this time, broke down. So, I have to do my tasks in the campus and my phone radio is now become my friend in boarding house. I’m trying to fix my computer now, and hopefully it will be fine in a short time.
It’s two months left before I get back to Surabaya, back to work and back to teach my students again. I hope what I have here can help me to improve my teaching skill to become better.
Sorry, if my writing still confusing. I’m still learning
I wrote this post in my other blog too.
Sistem Basis Data
Perkuliahan Semester Genap 112 hari ini mulai berjalan. Sistem Basis Data adalah mata kuliah yang akan saya ampu untuk semester ini, bersama dengan ibu A. B. Tjandrarini, bapak Ignatius Adrian Mastan,dan ibu Vivine Nurcahyawati.
Mahasiswa setelah mengikuti mata kuliah ini diharapkan dapat:
- Mendeskripsikan konsep basis data
- Mendaftar kebutuhan pengguna
- Merancang basis data
- Membuat sistem basis data
- Memberikan solusi dengan membuat query menggunakan perintah Structure Query Language (SQL)
Sehingga rencana materi untuk perkuliahan ini adalah:
- Konsep Dasar Basis Data
- Sistem dan Arsitektur Basis Data
- Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)
- Model Relasional
- Pemetaan ERD ke Model Relasional
- Ketergantungan Fungsional
- Normalisasi
Sumber belajar dari matakuliah ini dapat dibaca melalui :
- Elmasri, Ramez and Navathe, Shamkant B. 2007. Fundamentals of Database Systems, Fifth Edition. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. Addison Wesley.
- Ramakrishnan, Raghu, Gehrke, Johannes. 2003. Database Management Systems, Third Edition. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Materi untuk pertemuan pertama dapat diambil disini I – SBD dan disini SBD-M1
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