Category Archives: STIKOM Surabaya English Proficiency Test
STIKOM Surabaya EPT (March 15, 2013)
Dear Students Herewith we inform you the students who successfully passed STIKOM Surabaya English Proficiency Test held on March 15, 2013. STIKOM SBY EPT (March 15, 2013) Regards
the result of STIKOM SURABAYA ENGLISH PROFICIENCY TEST (March 11-14, 2013)
Dear students Herewith we inform you the students who successfully passed STIKOM Surabaya English Proficiency Test held on March 11-14, 2013. STIKOM SBY EPT (March 11-14, 2013) Regards
Dear students Herewith we inform you the students who successfully passed STIKOM Surabaya English Proficiency Test held on March 8, 2013. STIKOM SBY EPT (March 8, 2013) Regards
Salah satu syarat Yudisium bagi mahasiswa STIKOM SURABAYA adalah wajib lulus test toefl. Untuk itu bagi mahasiswa yang ingin mengikuti STIKOM SURABAYA ENGLISH PROFICIENCY TEST (Test Toefl) di STIKOM SURABAYA, bisa mendaftar sesuai jadwal dan ketentuan sebagai berikut : Jadwal … Continue reading
The result of STIKOM Surabaya English Proficiency Test held on March 1, 2013
Dear students Herewith we inform you the students who successfully passed STIKOM Surabaya English Proficiency Test held on March 1, 2013 STIKOM Sby EPT (March 1, 2013)
STIKOM Surabaya EPT (Sept 14, 2012)
Dear students Herewith we inform you the students who successfully passed STIKOM Surabaya English Proficiency Test held on September 14, 2012. STIKOM EPT Sept 14, 2012 Regards
STIKOM EPT (August-September 2012)
Dear students Herewith we inform you the students who successfully passed STIKOM Surabaya English Proficiency Test held on August-September 2012. Aug-Sept 2012 Regards
STIKOM Surabaya EPT (August 3 & 10, 2012)
Dear students Herewith we inform you the students who successfully passed STIKOM Surabaya English Proficiency Test held on August 3 & 10, 2012. NIM Name 09390900011 Khurri Asthofani 09390100059 Nugraha Bayu W 07390100067 Gardito Lukman 08390100035 Mukamad Dorif Regards
STIKOM Surabaya EPT (July 27, 2012)
Dear students Herewith we inform you the students who successfully passed STIKOM Surabaya English Proficiency Test held on July 27, 2012. NO NIM Nama 1 09390100026 Gilang Ramadhan 2 09390100031 Belqies Firza Umami 3 09390100044 Indra Sastra P. 4 09390100043 … Continue reading
STIKOM Surabaya EPT (Nov 17 & 18, 2011)
Dear students Herewith we inform you the name of studentsĀ who passĀ STIKOM Surabaya English Proficiency Test held on November 17 & 18, 2011. 07410200025 I.W. Bayu Praja Pratama 06410100109 Faizal Ardiana 04410100005 Yohanes Tanjung Sarwono 04410100251 Wahyu C. Rozil … Continue reading