English 1 (D3 KPK) smt 121 Meeting 1

Words in sentences

–         Part of Sentences

–         Subject

–         Direct and Indirect Object

–         Complement

–         Adverbial

–         Word Order

–         Statement

–         Question

–         Imperative

–         Linking Verb (To Be)


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28 Responses to English 1 (D3 KPK) smt 121 Meeting 1

  1. Kalimat subyek
    We girls are not going to that movie.
    George likes boats.
    Mary, John, George, and I went to a restaurant last night.
    The weather was very bad yesterday.
    The chemistry professor canceled class today.
    The bank closed at two o’clock.
    Kalimat predicate
    Mr. Henry teaches us English.
    The dog slept under a tree.
    Kalimat direct and indirect
    simple present
    He said, “I go to school every day.”
    simple past
    He said, “I went to school every day.”
    present perfect
    He said, “I have gone to school every day.”
    present progressive
    He said, “I am going to school every day.”
    past progressive
    He said, “I was going to school every day.”
    future (will)
    He said, “I will go to school every day.”

    simple past
    He said (that) he went to school every day.
    past perfect
    He said (that) he had gone to school every day.
    past perfect
    He said (that) he had gone to school every day.
    past progressive
    He said (that) he was going to school every day.
    perfect progressive
    He said (that) he had been going to school every day,

    Subyek complement
    – Mark is a farmer.
    – Mary is a nurse.
    A farmer dan a nurse adalah pelengkap dari subjek Mark dan Mary.

  2. Simple subject
    The (crickets)/(Simple Subject) chirped loudly outside the cabin.
    Simple Predicates
    An angry man (tried)/(Simple Predicates) to run me off the road.
    Direct and Indirect Object
    My mother Gave (me)/(Indirect Object) a shiny (penny)/(Direct Object)
    Subject Complement
    Donny is a gifted (athlete )/(Subject Complement)

  3. mega ayu fitria hardyanti says:

    <a href="”>home

  4. Simple subject
    Most bird I can fly
    They I can fly because they have wings

    Simple predicate
    Most bird I can fly
    They I can fly because they have wings

    A subject complement follows a linking verb
    • A glacier is a huge body of ice.
    • Glaciers are beautiful and potentially dangerous at the same time

    Direct object
    They named their daughter natasha
    Indirect object
    Grandfather left Rosalita and Raoul all his money

  5. arie eka framudita says:

    1.The study/(Simple Subject) of small insects is a hobby of mine.
    2.Many people (Will listen)/(Simple Predicate)with interest to facts about bugs.
    3.Scott kicked the ball/(Direct object ) into the net.
    4.Kayla baked Donna/(Indirect Object) a cake for his birthday.
    5.Don’t get mad at me! I didn’t pull your ponytail! It was He/(S.complement)

  6. mega ayu fitria hardyanti says:

    subject complement :
    – that rainbow cake smells delicious
    subject :
    – noodle appeared on the table
    predicate :
    – he dances in the living room with her sister
    direct object :
    – cinta drove a red car
    – he opened the book
    indirect object :
    – they sent her a chocolate
    – he gave me a note book

    Name : Mega Ayu Fitria Hardyanti
    NIM : 12390150015

  7. arie eka framudita says:

    1.The study/(Simple Subject) of small insects is a hobby of mine.
    2.Many people (Will listen)/(Simple Predicate)with interest to facts about bugs.
    3.Scott kicked the ball/(Direct object ) into the net.
    4.Kayla baked Donna/(Indirect Object) a cake for his birthday.
    5.Don’t get mad at me! I didn’t pull your ponytail! It was He/(S.complement)

    Nama : Arie Eka Framudita
    NIM :12390150016

  8. NIM : 12.39015.0012
    Nama : Indra Satria Ebrianda

    *menentukan kalimat yang terdapat subject
    Soekarno was the first president of the Republic of Indonesia
    (Soekarno adalah presiden pertama RI)

    *menentukan kalimat yang terdapat kata predikat
    My father reads newspaper every morning.
    (Ayah saya membaca Koran setiap pagi hari)

    *menentukan kalimat yang mengandung direct dan indirect
    Kalimat direct :
    He said : “Go away!”
    (Dia berkata : “Pergi!”)
    He told us to go away
    (Dia mengatakan kepada kami untuk pergi)

    Referensi : Hartanto, John Surjadi, dkk, 1987. Tata Bahasa Bahasa Inggris Lengkap. Jakarta : Indah. Hal : 78

    *menentukan kalimat Subject complement
    They came here yesterday.
    (Mereka datang disini kemarin)

  9. Indra Satria Ebrianda says:

    Nama : Indra Satria Ebrianda
    Nim : 12390150012
    Htm : http://indrasatriaebriandakpk.blogspot.com/2012/09/bahasa-inggris-1.html#more

  10. Rizal Suhartono says:

    Nama : Rizal Suhartono
    Nim : 12390150005
    Prodi : DIII KPK 2012
    URL : http://documentkpk.blogspot.com/

  11. A.Bella Jenylya Cheniarno says:

    Nama : A.Bella Jenylya Cheniarno
    Nim : 12390150008
    URL : http://abellajenylya.blogspot.com/

  12. Selvy Yulia says:

    Nama : Selvy Yulia
    NIM :1239015002
    HTML : http://selvykpk.blogspot.com/

    Direct Object
    I give him a book

    Indirect Object
    I bring you a pen

    Pai hit a mosquito

    Ani sleep in badroom

    Subject Complement
    Brandon’s face will turn red

  13. Rizkaa Mariitsa Zain says:

    NIM : 12390150007
    NAMA : Rizkaa Mariitsa Zain
    Prodi : KPK
    Url : http://khakharizkaa.blogspot.com/2012/09/tugas-contoh-kalimat.html

    NIM :12390150019

  15. Nama : Rizal Suhartono says:

    Nim : 12390150005
    Prodi : KPK 2012


  16. Nama: Ricky Ahmad
    Nim : 12390150003
    Prodi : KPK
    URL : http://filekpk.blogspot.com/

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